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Автор: Антон


A. 1.Для компиляции на стадии bsp используйте q3map2 с ключом -meta или: 2.На одном ребре какого-то браша очень много вершин, лежащих в одной плоскости. (о——о——-о——–о—-о). Постарайтесь чтобы их было две. Не выстраивайте точки в одну линию.


A. На карте слишком много кривых (patches). Постарайтесь уменьшить их количество.


A. На карте есть очень высокие стены.

1.Измените немного дизайн карты или: 2.Эта ошибка появлялась только в старых версиях bspc.exe, так что лучше обновите радиант до более новой версии.


A. 1.На карте очень много источников света. Выделите любой браш на карте (не являющиися entity), нажмите N - появится окно со свойствами worldspawn. Создайте новый ключ: lightgrid и в его значении напишите 64 64 64.

2.Также, эта ошибка можеть быть вызвана слишком большим количеством брашей на карте. Попробуйте упростить дизайн карты.

Q. Fatal: empty .aas link Heap

A. Очень сложная структура карты, из-за которой глючат боты. Упростите, опять же, дизайн карты, поставьте кое-где браши с текстурой common/bot clip и т.п. «Облегчите» навигацию ботов, короче.

Q. ERROR: MAX_FACETS during vlight (maxfacets >= 65XXX)

A. Очень много многогранных объектов (сфер, конусов и т.п.) на карте. Максимальное количество граней на карте - 65 535 (Возможно, в новых версиях q3map2 этот предел увеличен)

Q. WARNING : Couldn't find image for shader noshader

A. Можно спокойно игнорировать эту ошибку. Ничего страшного.


A. Где-то на карте есть очень сложный браш. Удалите и постройте его по новой, более проще, или из нескольких брашей.

Q. MatchToken ( «{» ) failed at line xxx

A. Опечатка в шейдере к текстуре (модели). Откройте ваш файл \scripts\*.shader и проверьте, не забыли ли в конце закрыть какой-нибудь скрипт фигурной скобкой «}», не пропустили ли скобку «{» в начале скрипта, не повторили ли символ дважды «}}», не перепутали ли «{» c «}» (скрипт всегда открывается скобкой «{», а закрывается скобкой «}».

Line xxx - номер строки с ошибкой в файле *.shader.


A. The visible brush face is being split too many times. Extra vertex points are created by q3map on visible face edges, where they are split by other visible face points (corners, or vertices). So if you have too many visible face points touching the edges of another face, that particular face will be split many times and have many vertex points.

Q. SetQdirFromPath: no 'quake' in (например) С:/Q3A/baseq3/maps/имякарты.map

A. В пути к игре должно присутствовать слово Quake. Переименуйте папку с игрой так, чтобы в ней было слово quake. (c:\games\QUAKE 3 arena, d:\QUAKE и т.п.)

Q. FloatPlane:bad normal или WARNING: brush plane with no normal

A. При редактировании вершин брашей (клавиша V) может получится «неправильный» браш, либо совсем исчезнуть (визуально, в радианте - в игре он появится). Чтобы найти и удалить «исчезнувший» браш:

1.Воспользуйтесь плагином brush cleanup (меню Plugins → Bob Toolz → brush cleanup) или:

2.Попробуйте открыть вашу карту в другом редакторе - QuArK (Quake Army Knife). Он покажет все ваши браши - нормальные и «исчезнувшие» в радианте.

Всегда используйте инструмент clipper (клавиша X) для обрезки брашей или создания брашей неправильной формы. Не двигайте вершины (V). Если все-таки это необходимо - двигайте их с помощью клавиши E.

Q. ERROR: Backwards tree volume

A. Может появится, если внешние браши (касающиеся void-a (вакуума)), сделаны как detail brush. Сделайте все эти внешние браши structural и проблема исчезнет. Вообще - ВСЕ браши, граничащие с вакуумом - обязательно делайте structural.

Q. ERROR: safe_malloc failed on allocation of xxxxxxxxx bytes

А. Не хватает витуальной памяти. Можно изменить _lightscale на большее значение, и можно компилиовать с ключом -lomem. Также можно упостить систему освещения. В моем случае нужно было удалить _skybox, который «случайно» появился а карте.

Q3A Common Error Messages FAQ

v3.5 - 35 Q&As, for Quake 3 - 5/26/2006 Original edit by Kat for Q3W.com LEM, layout change and re-edit by AEon

(* Marks changes since v3.5)

The following lists various compile Error Messages, Warnings, misc other mapping related problems, and explains how to fix them. These are mostly Q3A related, but should be applicable to the other games using the Q3 engine.

Also see Common Error Messages @ quake3bits.com by Kat.

Note: I have tried to make the Questions in the Q&As as concise as possible for quicker easier reading. (AEon)

Index Errors Error: AllocWinding failed: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING exceeded Error: Backwards Tree Volume Error: Chose a 0 valued axis Error: Duplicate Planes Error: Line 178 is incomplete Error: Line <line number> is Incomplete Error: LoadTGA: Only type 2 (RGB), 3 (gray), and 10 (RGB) TGA image Error: MAX_LEAF_FACES Error: MAX_MAPFILE_PLANES Error: MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES Error: MAX_MAP_LIGHTING Error: MAX_MAP_PLANES Error: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING Error: MAX_SUBMODELS Exceeded Error: MAX_VISIBILITY_EXCEEDED during -vis? Error: Multiple Crossing Points for Patch - Can't Clip Error: iKernel.exe Error: stylenum == MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS

Warnings Warning: RE_Add Poly To Scene: Null Shader Warning: Reused image <skybox image> with mixed glWrapClampMode parm Warning: models/mapobjects/kmlamp_white.tga has Empty Alpha

Misc Problems AAS Shutdown? Brush Plane with no Normal Choose 0 Valued Axis Compile Time too short to follow Console Output Full Bright Map (OverBright) How to compile with -patchshadows on? How to reduce long Compile Times? Mixed CONTENTS_DETAIL and CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL RE_LoadWorldMap: maps/testctf1.bsp not found SV_SetBrushModel: NULL Shader_max_vertexes hit in FillCloudy Sky Side Shaders not working and Missing Textures In-game? UnmatchedToken «({)» sp_worldspawn: 1st Entity is not 'worldspawn'

FAQ Related Credits History

How to compile with -patchshadows on? Info: Where and how do I execute / add this option? [BNA]

Fix: Assuming you do not want to go for a full out «let us go into DOS and compile the thing», then I suggest you either create a new BSP menu option, or modify the existing ones. This can be done using the Project Settings on the File menu. However, if I remember correctly, there is a line limit in the edit box, which truncates even the default ones, so you might have to open the project file up in notepad or something similar, and just add a new line there. If you study some of the existing ones, you are sure to understand the format. [djbob]

Note: I had to add the -patchshadows option manually in Q3Radiant because of that line limit, but in GTKradiant v1.1.1 using the built in editor seems to work just fine. [pjw]

Warning: models/mapobjects/kmlamp_white.tga has Empty Alpha Info: What do

WARNING: models/mapobjects/kmlamp_white.tga has empty alpha channel


WARNING: brush plane with no normal

mean? I get a lot of these messages in the Radiant's console when loading my map. [vwperview]

Fix: The first one is harmless. Just means it does not have an alpha channel, which it does not need to have.

The second is potentially more annoying. You have a brush with a messed up face which will not be shown. Vertex manipulation of the brush is likely to make it disappear and become a phantom brush, if it is not already one. Brush Cleanup (Plugins menu, bobToolz) will fix these. Alternatively, it could be a patch which you have manually rotated (not a good idea), which is nasty, as you probably will not be able to see it in editor, but will show up in game. I (djbob) enhanced Brush Cleanup to sort these too. However, I never seem to have patched the changes.

To get rid of it, look through the .map using notepad. If you see any patches which have coordinates that have a decimal point, round them manually. [djbob]

Brush Plane with no Normal Info: I have been using Brush Cleanup all along (the one that came with the latest version of GTKradiant) and I have still had the «brush plane with no normal» problem. So I am guessing it is the rotated patch mesh that is causing it. What do you mean by manually rotating it? A lot of time I use the Z-axis rotate 90 degrees button. Should I not do that?

And I looked in the .map file, I am assuming a patch looks something like this:

Code: AEon: Added indents, map source does *not* use indents! brush 23 {

    ( 3 3 0 0 0 ) 
    ( ( -1344 784 128 0 0 ) ( -1376 784 128 0 0.250 ) ( -1408 784 128 0 0.500 ) )
    ( ( -1344 720 128 0.500 0 ) ( -1376 720 128 0.500 0.250 ) ( -1408 720 128 0.500 0.500 ) )
    ( ( -1344 720 64 1 0 ) ( -1376 720 64 1 0.250 ) ( -1408 720 64 1 0.500 ) ) 


But which of those sets of numbers is the coordinates? [wviperw]

Fix: 90 degree rotation from the toolbar is fine. It is using R-key for manual rotate that can mess things up. The first three numbers inside the brackets in each case are the coordinates, so for this patch, everything is fine. [djbob]

Error: MAX_VISIBILITY_EXCEEDED during -vis? Info: Has anyone ever gotten this error while doing the -vis compile:


I am working on a, well… huge map and I am noticing this problem more and more. Right now I am only able to do the minimal BSP and test out the map, but I would like to do lighting and everything else when I am ready to present the finished project. Does anybody have any advice besides downsizing the map? [quakefraggin]

Fix: Yup… you have basically made your map too big! You have used up your allotted VIS data (it is around 2 MB I think [2,040,000 as you see it reported in GTKradiant Bsp monitoring] someone will correct me on this though.) [Kat]

Note: Or use Detail better so that the BSP is less complicated, and so requires less vis data. [djbob]

Note: Actually, it has nothing to do with the size of your map, but rather the structural complexity. Rather than cut down your map, you may want to consider rebuilding it taking vis into account.

Every structural brush face in a map has an associated plane. The higher the number of unique structural planes, the larger your vis data will be.

To clear up a common misconception, larger vis data does not mean vis is working harder or more effectively.

A gross oversimplification: The vis data is simply a collection of lists that answer «is this area visible from here?» Every location in a sealed, fully vis'ed map has such a list. The more unique «locations» in a map, the more memory the vis data will consume.

Those locations are BSP leaves. As the goal of the Quake 3 BSP compiler is to create a BSP with convex leaves (i.e., no interprojecting volumes), then the hairier the makeup of your structural brushes, the more leaves in the final BSP.

Certain individuals (myself included, on the rare occasion I am mapping) subscribe to the notion of building for vis. That is simplifying it a bit, as there are other things to take into account, but the basic method is this:

Build the Structural Hull of the map entirely with caulk. Caulk is solid, opaque to vis, invisible to the eye, and unless changed in Radiant, structural.

Build what the player sees out of caulk detail brushes and patches, then texture the visible faces.

Share planes wherever possible. Terrain, or any other «meshy» mass of brushes, for instance, should share a single plane on the backside. Cutting down on the number of unique planes is a Good Thing.

If you are feeling up to it, read SPoG's Quake 3 BSP doc for a more in-depth explanation. [ydnar]

AAS Shutdown? Info: 1. After compiling and pak'ing, I will go to select the map in-game, but get booted to desktop with a console error:

Code: —– Server Shutdown —–


AAS shutdown.

Requested feature was omitted at compile time

I am not sure what request they mean, as I did a full vis and light extra?

2. Also, the q3map.exe always has to close during the -vis due to an error. Then it goes on with the -light. This happened with a previous map I made, and I had no problems with it from its .pk3.

3. What is the significance of the .prt file to the .bsp? Does this need to be done before vis/light? (Is it included?) As I have noticed, it is not there after doing the vis/light.

I am using GTKradiant v1.1 under XP. [psion]

Fix: 1. This problem occurs if you are using a .jpg saved with progressive encoding as your levelshot. Use standard encoding instead. [Anwulf]

2. Found the nightly build (of GTKradiant) is doing the trick. Was not aware it was a vis crash bug. [psion]

3. The .prt file contains the portal information which you would use in conjunction with the Portal Viewer plugin. Unless you add a compile option to your projects file with the -saveprt switch, the .prt file is automatically deleted. [Anwulf]

Error: stylenum == MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS Info: I have placed some lights with targets (I do not know exactly if it causes the problem or not). Then when I complied I got this error: stylenum == MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS What does this mean? [3tehakanyuksel] Fix: This occurs with targeted lights. It is a Quake/Quake 2 vestige where targetnames were indexed for lightstyles. Since Quake 3 has no lightstyles (no flickering lights), you cannot target light entities. [ydnar] Error: Line 178 is incomplete Info: Line 178 is incomplete

Fix: I got that single error when I tried to BSP. I checked the .map file in a text editor, tried recreating brushes, etc, etc…

Turns out it was one of the Shader files. In line 178 I used surfaceparm without a parameter. You would never guess it from the error message. I get mixed CONTENTS_DETAIL and CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL when compiling my map. Though it tells me the entity and brush number, I cannot get rid of this message, because deleting the brush does not seem to affect this message, it just mentions another brush which "has" mixed contents. I selected my whole level and made it Detail, than I built a big Brush -> CSG Make Hallow -> func_group -> Make Structural. That is the way everybody does it, maybe my map file is messed up

Choose 0 Valued Axis Info: I got choose 0 valued axis during initial stage of BSP. Did not have anything to do with the last number of brushes I placed, I think though. [fischu] Fix: It might be related to your using an axis of rotation on an entity set with 0 rather than 360 (which is the default 0). Check your entities for a key/value pairing of angle/0. A quick way to check entities is to open the map Entity Info browser (L-key) and go down the listing selecting each entry and reading what it says. Once you found the bad entity (assuming it is a 0 angle error) click the Select button and then Close the browser.

Info: Checked all entities, no angle/0 pairs. I found a light with an angle, but that did not fix my error. Deleted and remade everything I did since last successful compile, still the same error. q3map2 disconnects after the error.

Check: What version of q3map2 are you using?

Info: Using latest? v2.5.11, doubt though whether version of q3map2 really matters. It is probably something stupid, but I have got no idea where to start looking.

Fix: The answer was in this thread funnily enough:

Code: ERROR Chose a 0 valued axis A.

This error occurs when you try to Cap a Cone. The problem is that the top of the cone gets a 0*0 cap. So… remove the top (read small) cap of that cone [Hr.O]

Info: The thing is, I have not capped a cone since the last successful compile. I do recall thickening one by 2 units. Would this have the same effect? Also I have already deleted everything I had built since the last compile. Or would I have to do open it up in notepad and look for a patch with a 0*0? angle, I do hope there is an easier solution as I do not think I would know what to look for, patches I can recognize but the bunch of numbers under that I can not.

Fix: Do a quick test map, just a box with a cylinder mesh in it. Cap the cylinder and then try a compile (do not forget a player spawn as well), if you a clean compile then you know that «cylinders» are generally OK and there is a problem with a mesh in the previous .map file.

What the error actually means is in capping the cone (or cylinder) you have created a mesh section that is so small that it no longer has a valid size 'X' x 'Y' units. If you are still getting the error now then it means there *is* a mesh somewhere causing the problem. Thickening in of itself will not necessarily cause the problem so the best thing to try is to hide the patch related brushwork (Ctrl + P) and select/copy/paste everything else to a fresh new .map file. Do not add any meshwork/cylinders to this file and just do a compile to check it is OK. Once you have done that, if it compiles OK, you can then either rebuild the patch work or copy/paste that stuff from the old file one mesh section at a time compiling a new file each time (so you can backtrack when you find the error) it is a bit of a long winded way to find the problem patch mesh but if you cannot remember where it might have started to happen you have to be quite methodical in tracking it down.

You could probably track it down in notepad but the entry might not actually be 0*0 on the patch mesh. Open the .map file anyway and look for a patch mesh func_group and see if you can find anything out of place. Make backup versions of the file as you work as you could totally mess up the file by deleting entries like that.

Info: yeah, did it. Lazy as I am I tried to think of a quicker way, simply placed brushes where I had thickened the cones, and clicked on the select inside button. And as you said 2 tiny white lines/dots appeared. Hitting the backspace button really made me smile. Compiling sweetly now.

Error: MAX_MAP_PLANES Info: MAX_MAP_PLANES [Kat] Fix: Messing around with some ASE model produced this error during BSPC (for RtCW) as a result of them being q3map_clipmodel. Removed that and manually clipping the models solved the issue. The clipped ASE models were creating an excessive number of 'planes' which broke through the limit. [Kat] Error: MAX_LEAF_FACES Info: Are there some unwritten rules concerning the building of Portals? I have had to simplify the portal I made for my WIP considerably just to get it to compile. It appears that a portal's geometry cannot go beyond a certain level of complexity, nor can it be too large (i.e. the size of the world or larger). I got the


error in the BSP stage when I attempted to construct some buildings from brushwork in my portal. I have now just made a few simple buildings, ASE'd them and cloned/rotated them, and there are ano problems. Has anyone had this error before? What is the difference between a BSP leaf's face and its portal? [seremtam]

Fix: This error occurs when you have too many drawsurfaces in a single BSP leaf. The maximum is 0x2000 (8192). You must have some exceedingly complex set of surfaces or are not using q3map_nonplanar or meta to merge stuff, or using _blocksize with a value too high or simply not splitting them map up enough.

I do not recall the last time I saw anyone get that error. [ydnar]

Note: Or your skybox area is too complex. Try to keep it reasonable, because the 8192 leaf/surface max means you are limited to 8192 surfaces in your skybox. Usually less, since sky leaves tend to have other surfaces already in them.

Error: MAX_MAPFILE_PLANES Info: MAX_MAPFILE_PLANES (Max Mapfile Planes) [Kat] Fix: Associated with AAS files for Bots or AI. Usually caused by using large numbers of models (with q3map_clipModel in a shader) or large numbers of patch meshes in a map. For Models - removing q3map_clipModel from shader and manually clipping with weaponsclip (or some other clip brush) seems to fix this. For Patch Meshes - depending on the number of models in a map, converting patch mesh work to ASE models sometimes helps (leave clipModel out of shader) to remove the error. But for AAS problems, ydnar has noted that «BSPC needs to be updated with larger allowable values for planes, brush sides, etc.» This affects any Quake3 engine games using Bots or AI. [Kat] Error: Line <line number> is Incomplete Info: ERROR: Line <Insert line number here> is incomplete

Fix: In the previous case, this was fixed easily by copying the entire map in text form (open up the .map file in a text editor and copy everything), and then paste it into a new .txt file, then rename it to .map and open it. Run a Brush Cleanup (Plugins menu, bobToolz), and you should be good to go. [Fjoggs]

SV_SetBrushModel: NULL Fix: Caused by a brush entity such as a func_door or func_plat with no solid brushes, or a func_rotating with no origin brush. If you have added anything like that recently, check it, and add a solid brush if necessary. If you cannot find anything, look though the entity list and see if you can find an entity that should have brushes but has somehow lost them. Note that adding something like a clip brush is enough to make the entity qualify as having solid brushes, if you are using a model as a func_ entity. [Shallow] This problem is easily solved using Brush Cleanup from Plugins menu, bobToolz . [Fjoggs] Warning: Reused image <skybox image> with mixed glWrapClampMode parm

Fix: Appears in the game console whenever a map is compiled with -skyfix. You can safely ignore this error. [Obsidian]

FAQ Related

Credits Info: Thanx go to the folks here at Level Editing and Modeling @ quake3world.com (LEM) and Kat for putting together the original list.

Where known those asking and those answering questions are mentioned in angled brackets.

Alas while reading the Q&As I *had* to fix some spelling and typos and unclear passages, or irrelevant explicatives.[AEon]


v3.5 35 Q&As total, 0 new Q&As, 0 updates, 0 split, numerous changes, since v1.0 (5/26/2006) v1.0 Converting the original posts edited by Kat into a new format, using highlighting, corrected spelling, sorted Q&As into categories, added index. (5/26/2006)

Last edited by AEon on 05-26-2006 12:58 PM, edited 2 times in total.

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